All clients are provided Mr. Clark’s personal cell phone so questions and concerns can continue to be addressed. Please contact our office by phone or email about any legal issue you may have. We will get back to you promptly.
Attorney Profile
Steven Clark is a former Santa Clara County District Attorney with extensive trial experience. He has handled thousands of cases in the criminal, civil and administrative law areas, including high-profile cases throughout the Bay Area. He is frequently requested by the media to provide commentary on legal matters of local and national interest.
Admitted to State Bar
- 1983, California
- University of Santa Clara, J.D., with honors, 1983. Member Santa Clara Law Review
- San Diego State University, B.S., Finance, with distinction, 1980
- State Bar of California
- Santa Clara County Bar Association: Bench/Bar Media Committee
- American Trial Lawyers Association
- Criminal Defense Attorneys Association
- Former Board Member: Santa Clara County Trial Lawyers Association
- Private Practice San Francisco Bay Area 1990 – Present
- Dep. District Attorney, Santa Clara County, California, 1985-1989
- Assoc. Counsel, Pete Wilson, United States Senator, California, 1984-1985
- Assoc., Rogers & Wells, Los Angeles Office, 1983-1984
- Birthplace: New York, NY